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40% of people share photos of food they never eat
Do you share photos of your food on social media, also known as "foodstagramming"? According to a recent survey, 40% of people say they often share photos of their food online. But many people don't even eat that food.
Shopping Season 2021: Maximize your sales strategy
What is happening now and what can you expect next? Consumer behavior has changed and their needs will continue to evolve. Have you noticed that since the pandemic many shop online? But what will happen this year?
Video & Podcast: the kings of digital content
Video and podcast are still positioned, that is more than true. The reality is that the audience prefers this format and we cannot be left behind.
Shoppable TV: the new way of selling on TV
Shoppable TV is a new and seamless shopping experience that gives viewers the opportunity to shop for products in the setting of their favorite TV show.
What about the labor shortages in the US?
Nowadays, many companies in the U.S. have problems with the labor shortages due to people do not want to go interview. In mid-April 2021, job openings jumped to an unprecedented 9.3 million.
Why Nearshoring is exactly what you need
Today many companies use only internal resources to manage their software development, most of them don't know yet the benefits of IT outsourcing or do not believe that it can help their company to become competitive.
Landing Page vs Website: Which Do You Need?
When it comes to landing page versus website, your site is the first impression, while the landing page is only part of the impression that the user can take away.
Things that are affecting your Conversion Rate
Every time a person is ready to make an online purchase, different obstacles make them delete their product from the cart and leave the page practically instantly.
Our Mexico city Office won as the Best Digital Agency
Our Mexico City team did it again! Won the award to the BEST DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY OF 2020, granted by the most important marketing magazine in Mexico MERCA 2.0
When you improve your UX improves your SEO
The question we all want to answer ... "How can I rank higher on Google?" And as you probably guessed, there is no definitive answer.
How to test the speed of your Website
Surely it has happened to you ... you enter a website and are greeted by pages and images that take forever to load. It's frustrating, right?
6 points you should know about designing apps
Do you want to create an app for your company or business? Know all about the process of designing Apps, and why it goes hand in hand with development.